Day 3 - Almost full lockdown, fortunately we can still go out for a run or some fresh air, as the sun finally decided to show up….NOW. I’d say the sun has a sense of humour, albeit a dark one, Thank you SUN.

Sorry for delay but yesterday was spent trying to figure out how best to deliver the rest of the program: video or not, online software or keep it simple, etc. So i decided to go with videos and stay on my website. One massive learning curve later, i finally can put day 3 online.

Enjoy, don’t hurt yourself and KEEP SAFE.

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Day 3

Phase Exercise Sets,reps Rest
Warm up Shoulders roll 10 reps None
Warm up Standing cat/dog 10 reps None
Workout Roll down 5 reps 1 min
Workout modified plank 10 reps 1 min
workout leg pull supine 5 reps each leg 2 min

Rolling shoulders - 10 reps - no rest

  1. Roll your shoulders back and forth

  2. Bend your head forward and back

  3. Repeat

Standing cat and dogs - 10 reps - no rest

Standing, bent legs, and hands on your knees, alternate position between round back and flat back

Roll down - 5 reps - rest 1 min

  1. INHALE. Standing straight legs, pull your stomach in

  2. EXHALE. bend your head forward, then continue the roll with upper back then lower back. keep stomach in and straight legs

  3. INHALE. Roll back up gently and reverse movement

Modified plank - 10 reps each side - rest 1 min

  1. INHALE. Plank position, Contact your abs and keep the body straight

  2. EXHALE. Dont move the body shape, but only push your feet forward and back. You’ll feel the movement in the wrists.

Leg pull supine - 5 reps each leg - End

1. INHALE. Sit down, straight legs. Keep your arms straight being your torso and keep your hands facing forward.

2. EXHALE. Push on your arms, Lift the pelvis et keep your head high ( chin away from chest)

3. INHALE. Dont move the body, Lift one leg up then back down

4. EXHALE. Alternate legs