Well here is day 2 of the program. Countries all around Europe are increasing the isolation and mitigation procedures, And we’re still “stuck @ home”.

Today we stay on gentle abdominal work. Only a few changes from yesterday’s workout.

Do not hesitate if you feel like it, to do both workout at different times of the day. Its not like we are over busy. Make it a family activity. Thats already 20 min of your day covered. :) Twice or thrice.

Enjoy, don’t hurt yourself and KEEP SAFE.

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Day 2 - Abdominals

Phase Exercise Sets,reps Rest
Warm up Knee Lift 10 reps each side None
Warm up Pelvic circles 5 reps each side None
Workout Single leg circles 3x5 reps each side 1 min
Workout Double leg stretch 10 reps each side 1 min
workout Double leg circles 5 reps each side 2 min

Knee lift - 10 reps each side - no rest

  1. INHALE - Walk ( in position or actually walk) and bring your knee to your chest.

  2. EXHALE - Step down and bring your foot down.

  3. Repeat

Pelvic circles - 5 reps each side - no rest

Standing, straight legs, rotate pelvis right to left then opposite.

Single leg circles - 3x5 circles each - rest 1 min

  1. Lie on your back

  2. Lift one leg, keep the bottom leg straight against the floor, bent foot.

  3. Make sure you engage your abs and push your lower back against the floor

  4. Draw a circle with the upward leg, both directions

  5. Alternate -BREATHE IN AND OUT between each circle

Double leg Stretch - 10 reps each side - rest 1 min

  1. INHALE- Lie on your back. Bring both knees to your chest while gently lifting head and shoulders. Keep your legs bent and your hands on your tibias.

  2. EXHALE - Stretch arms above your head parallel to the floor. Keep your abs engaged and lower back against the floor. Extend your legs only as far as you don’t lose the lower back contact with floor.

  3. INHALE - Repeat 1.

Double leg Circles -5 reps each side - End

  1. Lie on your back, lift head and shoulders. KEEP BACK ON THE FLOOR

  2. INHALE - Bring both legs vertical. Keep abs engaged and lower back firmly against the floor.

  3. EXHALE - Drop both legs sideways while protecting the movement with arms open to the sides. Start gently. With time you’ll go lower and lower. Dont push yourself. Dont hurt yourself. Keep abs engaged throughout.